Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We're here to answer! If you don't see your question here, drop us a line at [email protected]

1. What is Ingots?

Ingots is the World's First Profit Return Digital Note Trading Platform. To sum it up, traders will be able to earn profit in the form of Annualized Profit Return (APR) regardless of the trade outcome upon maturity of the trade contract.

2. Is this a scam?

Definitely not! While we understand there is a lot of Crypto related scam being rampant lately, there is where Ingots makes all the difference by having regulated eWallet to safeguard trader's fund and all trade are executed over a recognized and regulated Digital Asset Exchange (DAX) by Securities Commission Malaysia. Withdrawal is at will and settlement is paid daily directly into trader's wallet.

3. Is Ingots safe?

Definitely! At Ingots, we emphasize on utmost importance for being a safe and secure trading platform. Traders will have a piece of mind knowing that Ingots' eWallet and trade exchange platform are both approved and regulated by the relevant authorities.

4. I don't know anything about Cryptocurrency, can I trade?

Yes, the beauty of Ingots' ingenious A.I algorithm is intelligent enough to create smart contracts on the best possible outcome of the Cryptocurrency movement. Traders will only need to choose which contract or best APR to suit their trading profile.

5. Do I need to have any Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH) to trade?

While we only accept Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Tether (USDT), Traders will be pleased to know that our regulated Exchange will be able to convert the following FIAT currency:

  • MYR
  • USD
  • SGD
  • HKD
  • GBP
  • EUR
  • AUD
  • JPY
  • NZD

6. How do I convert my FIAT currency?

Via our regulated Digital Asset Exchange (DAX) by Securities Commission Malaysia, Sinegy DAX Sdn Bhd.

Head over to


Click on "Create an Account"

  • Key-in your details
  • Verified your email
  • Verified your account with your personal details

* Is important to note that in order to buy Digital Asset or to convert FIAT to Cryptocurrency, your account with Sinegy must be verified. This verification process may take up to 24 hours.


Once your Sinegy Account has been verified, you may start on setting up your account.

Login to your Sinegy Account, and click on "Account"

Select "Bank Information"

Click on "Add New Bank Account" and add your preferred bank account information.

* Now your local bank account setup is done. Next, your Crypto eWallet.

Locate "Wallet" tab on the top right corner.

Now, select "Wallet Address" and "To generate a wallet". You may generate for both Bitcoin (BTC) & Ethereum (ETH).


Once you have generate the wallet, next is to fund the wallet using FIAT.

Select "Funding" tab on the top right corner.

  • Select "Deposit"
  • Select Currency Type: "FIAT"
  • Select Payment Method: "DuitNow QR" or "DuitNow Transfer"
  • Key-in the amount to deposit
  • Click on "Generate QR Code"
  • Scan QR image with your bank application or Download QR Image
  • Verify & double check details
  • Deposit Completed

* Balance will reflect in your Sinegy Account.


To start buying Digital Asset, select "Quick Trade" on the top right corner.

Either Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum,

  • Key-in the amount to buy
  • Click "Buy Now"

* The balance will reflect in your "Wallet"


To transfer, you may transfer Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH) under the "Funding" tab

  • Click on "Withdrawal"
  • Select Currency Type "Digital Asset"
  • Select Currency, either "Bitcoin" or Ethereum"
  • Key-in the amount
  • Enter the "Wallet Address"

* Please ensure the wallet address entered is correct. An incorrect wallet address could result in the lost of your digital asset. Blockchain transaction is irreversible. Always make sure to double-check the receiving address before initiating a transaction.

7. How do I sign up?


Head over to

  • Click "login" on the top right corner
  • Select "Register"
  • Fill in the registration fields
  • Verify your email

* You must verify your identity to gain full access of the withdrawal feature.


Identity Verification

  • After you have login, select "Settings"
  • Click on "Identity Verification" and follow the steps
  • Done!

8. Why you need identity verification?

This is the requirement set forth by Securities Commission Malaysia for all regulated eWallet to safeguard trader's fund and in compliance with data security to prevent unwanted incidence.

9. How long does it take to get approval for identity verification?

It may take up to 24 hours.

10. How do I deposit?

STEP 1 - via Direct Deposit

Click on "Wallet" at the bottom tab

As you may have notice, at Ingots we accept all 3 most popular Cryptocurrency (BTC, ETH & USDT)

  • Click on any Cryptocurrency you prefer to fund into Ingots' wallet
  • Click on "Deposit"
  • You will be given a QR code and wallet address using ERC-20 network

STEP 2 - via Sinegy

  • Login to your Sinegy Account
  • Select "Funding"
  • Select "Withdrawal"
  • Select "Currency Type" to "Digital Asset"
  • Select "Bitcoin" or "Ethereum" of your choice
  • Select the "Amount"
  • Key-in Ingots' wallet address
  • You're done and ready for your first profitable trade on Ingots!

11. How do I withdraw?

  • In the Homepage, click on "Wallet"
  • Click on any Cryptocurrency that you wish to withdraw
  • Click on "Withdrawal"
  • You will need to update your "Favourite Address" in the "Settings", else you may just follow the instruction to create new withdrawal address.
  • Done!


MINIMUM withdrawal is USDT 100, after deducting any withdrawal fee(s).

                    WITHDRAWAL FEES

                    1. BTC (ERC-20)        - 0.5%

                    2. ETH (ERC-20)        - 3.0%

                    3. USDT (ERC-20)      - 1 USDT

* Please take note: while traders are able to withdraw funds at any time, our processing time remain at business hours:

Monday - Friday            9:00am - 6:00pm (GMT+8)

Should you require any assistance, drop us a line at [email protected]

12. Settlement of withdrawal funds?

While traders are able to request for withdrawal at any time, Ingots only able to process the request during business hours.

Day      - Monday - Friday (Excluding Saturday, Sunday, and national & state holidays)

Time    - 9:00am - 6:00pm (GMT+8)

13. What is 2FA code?

2FA code refers to Two-Factor authentication. Is an identity and access management security method that requires two (2) forms of identification to access resources and data. This ensure no accounts can be compromise thus creating a safe and secure platform to all of our traders. 2FA is the most reliable authentication method available today. While traders are able to opt out 2FA, we highly encourage traders to adopt this method to safeguard their account and wallet at Ingots.

14. How does Ingots remain profitable while ensuring daily payout of Annualized Profit Return (APR) regardless of the trade?

It's pretty simple. Ingots' ingenious A.I algorithm calculates and analyze the market to compute the Annualized Profit Return (APR). Based on the probability of a "Strike Price/ Deal", we share our profit (capital gain) via a profit sharing scheme proportionate to the APR. Thus ensuring promised payout while maintaining sustainable profitability.

15. Will there be other Cryptocurrency like BNB, XRP, SOL, DOGE and so on?

While we are offering the World's Top 3 Cryptocurrency (BTC, ETH & USDT) which are the most popular among other cryptocurrency available, we may expand our offering in the near future. So stay tune!

16. Can I refer my friends to join Ingots' platform?

Yes definitely! In fact we reward our traders for sharing out platform! As a small thank you, we will pay you up to 30% perpetually based on your friend's profit. The referral fees as we refer will be credited into your trading account daily at midnight 12:01am, you may withdrawal immediately if you wish to. Speak to any of our expert consultant at [email protected] for more information about our referral program.

17. What measures are in place regarding compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Finance, and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (AMLA)?

INGOTS strictly adheres to the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing, and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (AMLA). To ensure compliance, users or traders must adhere to this Act. To counter potential misuse, INGOTS has implemented measures, such as require new users to complete a minimum of 10 trades or maintain an account for a duration of one(1) month, whichever comes first, before being eligible to withdraw. In cases of normal trading behavior, users should not encounter withdrawal issues.

However , if there is a suspicion or evidence of a user of trader attempting to use INGOTS for money laundering or engaging in any illegal or unlawful activities, INGOTS reserves the right to freeze the account. In such instances, users or traders will be required to justify their actions and submit relevant documents as requested by INGOTS. Additionally, INGOTS reserves all rights to withhold assets or freeze any account that may jeopardize its reputation or breach of any existing laws and regulations in any country.